Beijing Traffic Exhibition investment in progress, exhibitors to visit the online registration, to view the exhibition overview, exhibition schedule, exhibition time, exhibition location, exhibition scope, organizers, exhibitors and other details. 2022 16th China International Intelligent Transportation Exhibition 2022 Beijing International Transportation Engineering, Intelligent Transportation Technology and Facilities Exhibition will be held in 2022/5/31 beijing China International Exhibition Center (New Hall), look forward to your visit!
Hosted by the Institute of Science of the Ministry of Transport, the China Intelligent Transportation Association and the RAI International Exhibition Company in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, hengxing International Convention and Exhibition Group Co., Ltd. hosted the "China International Intelligent Transportation Exhibition held in Beijing China International Exhibition Center (New Pavilion). Intertrafic China has successfully held 15 sessions since its first entry into China in 2007 and is strongly supported by leading manufacturers in Asia and around the world. As an important part of Intertraffic, the world's largest transportation show in the Netherlands, Intertraffic China has been focusing on the smart transportation industry to showcase cutting-edge products and technologies, build a platform for supply and demand trade, and promote technology exchange at the international level. The exhibition is expected to have an exhibition area of 50,000 square meters, 600 exhibitors, the audience will reach 60,000 people.
With the theme of "New Developments in Transportation in the Context of New Infrastructure", the exhibition aims to further explore the fusion applications of 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, mobile Internet, edge computing, new infrastructure and other new generations of high-tech in China's transportation system. The exhibition focuses on: urban intelligent traffic, traffic management, smart roads, road network monitoring, road coordination, intelligent public transport, intelligent driving cars, smart networking, car networking, smart parking, smart light poles, smart transportation, road traffic safety, traffic infrastructure and other related fields of the latest transportation products, technological achievements and solutions. Several high-level forums and technical exchange summits will be held at the same time.
由交通运输部科学研究院、荷兰阿姆斯特丹RAI国际展览公司主办,恒兴国际会展集团有限公司承办的“2022第十六届中国国际智能交通展览会(Intertraffic China2022)”将于2022年9月15-17日在天津国家会展中心举行。Intertrafic China自2007年首次进入中国,已经成功的举办了十五届,受到亚洲地区及全球众多行业知名厂商大力支持。作为世界**大交通展荷兰Intertraffic的重要组成,IntertrafficChina一直聚焦智能交通行业展示**前沿产品与技术,搭建供需商贸平台、推动技术交流的国际级盛会。本届展会预计展出面积50000平米,参展商600家,观众将达60000人次。
2021第十五届中国国际智能交通展览会;2021上海国际交通工程、智能交通技术与设施展览会”(Intertraffic China 2021)已于2021年6月17-19日在上海世博展览馆盛大开幕。
三、Intertraffic china 2022独特优势
▼ 获得国家相关主管部门权威官方指导与支持;
▼ 秉承全球**大的交通展Intertraffic母展半个世纪的优秀品质;
▼ 十五年中国市场成熟运作,成就亚洲智能交通旗舰展;
▼ 专题专区专展, 展品垂直细分,覆盖道路智能交通产业链;
▼ 行业龙头抢滩进驻, 展示全球顶尖智能交通解决方案;
▼ 50000㎡展览面积、600家展商、160+个国家和地区、60000名专业观众 ;
▼ 线上线下多渠道展示,内容丰富精彩纷呈,精准结交海外买家;
▼ Intertraffic China全球优质买家数据库,助你拓展海内外市场;
▼ 200+海内外媒体保驾护航,买家数量&高品质保证;
▼ 中国智能交通产业技术创新论坛
▼ 第三届中国交通新基建产业创新大会
▼ 第二届全国智慧公路建设与发展论坛
▼ 第二届车路协同与自动驾驶创新技术论坛
▼ 智慧出行与公共交通技术论坛
▼ 智能交通与智慧灯杆建设与发展论坛
▼ 城市智慧停车建设发展论坛
▼ 中国北京道路交通安全论坛
▼ 交通科技创新与技术转移高峰论坛
▼ 第九届“智能交通杯”系列评选活动
评选活动是由Intertraffic china 2022中国国际智能交通展组委会联合其他相关单位共同组织,既代表了智能交通行业一年来的创新成果和荣耀,更肩负着引领行业发展和技术升级的使命。共设4个奖项:1、创新产品;2、创新技术;3、优秀产品;4、优秀解决方案。
电 话:010-60565602-8008
联系人手机:周永威 18310002515
邮 箱
北京交通展招商进行中,参展参观在线登记,查看展会概况、展会日程、展会时间、展会地点、参展范围、主办单位、参展商等详细信息。2022第十六届中国国际智能交通展览会 2022北京国际交通工程、智能交通技术与设施展览会将于2022/5/31在北京·中国国际展览中心(新馆)举办,期待您的光临!
由交通运输部科学研究院、中国智能交通协会、荷兰阿姆斯特丹RAI国际展览公司主办,恒兴国际会展集团有限公司承办的“中国国际智能交通展览会在北京·中国国际展览中心(新馆)举行。Intertrafic China自2007年首次进入中国,已经成功的举办了十五届,受到亚洲地区及全球众多行业知名厂商大力支持。作为世界*大交通展荷兰Intertraffic的重要组成,IntertrafficChina一直聚焦智能交通行业展示*前沿产品与技术,搭建供需商贸平台、推动技术交流的国际级盛会。本届展会预计展出面积50000平米,参展商600家,观众将达60000人次。
Beijing Traffic Exhibition investment in progress, exhibitors to visit the online registration, to view the exhibition overview, exhibition schedule, exhibition time, exhibition location, exhibition scope, organizers, exhibitors and other details. 2022 16th China International Intelligent Transportation Exhibition 2022 Beijing International Transportation Engineering, Intelligent Transportation Technology and Facilities Exhibition will be held in 2022/5/31 beijing China International Exhibition Center (New Hall), look forward to your visit!
Hosted by the Institute of Science of the Ministry of Transport, the China Intelligent Transportation Association and the RAI International Exhibition Company in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, hengxing International Convention and Exhibition Group Co., Ltd. hosted the "China International Intelligent Transportation Exhibition held in Beijing China International Exhibition Center (New Pavilion). Intertrafic China has successfully held 15 sessions since its first entry into China in 2007 and is strongly supported by leading manufacturers in Asia and around the world. As an important part of Intertraffic, the world's largest transportation show in the Netherlands, Intertraffic China has been focusing on the smart transportation industry to showcase cutting-edge products and technologies, build a platform for supply and demand trade, and promote technology exchange at the international level. The exhibition is expected to have an exhibition area of 50,000 square meters, 600 exhibitors, the audience will reach 60,000 people.
With the theme of "New Developments in Transportation in the Context of New Infrastructure", the exhibition aims to further explore the fusion applications of 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, mobile Internet, edge computing, new infrastructure and other new generations of high-tech in China's transportation system. The exhibition focuses on: urban intelligent traffic, traffic management, smart roads, road network monitoring, road coordination, intelligent public transport, intelligent driving cars, smart networking, car networking, smart parking, smart light poles, smart transportation, road traffic safety, traffic infrastructure and other related fields of the latest transportation products, technological achievements and solutions. Several high-level forums and technical exchange summits will be held at the same time.