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    发布时间:2021/9/24 12:32:31  浏览:1651次




    三、六大主题,交叉互动IAS 工业自动化集成自动化技术的领先商业展会汇聚众多自动化行业领先企业,集中展示智能制造的核心技术及前沿产品,聚焦工业4.0理念的落地。重点推出嵌入式技术展区,运动控制系统展区,智能传感与连接展区,传动与气动展区。



    1. 工业自动化核心智能硬件

    2. 工业自动化智能制造技术及检测相关设备

    3. 工业机器人本体、核心部件及其他智能装备

    4. 智能制造整体解决方案

    RS 机器人机器人技术助力制造业升级转型聚焦西南市场,机器人应用市场领先全国随着国家对机器人及制造业升级的扶持,国内机器人市场持续增长。展望未来,在***、智能制造和先进装备制造业转型升级等政策推动下,西南地区仍将是机器人发展的重要区域。



    1. 工业机器人整机

    2. 适于行业应用的整体解决方案

    3. 服务机器人

    4. 特种机器人




    1. 工业互联网

    2. 人工智能

    3. 数字化工厂

    4. 新型平板显示

    MWCS 数控机床与金属加工机床、金属板材及管材加工、模具制造和工具的国际盛会在数字化变革的时代,金属加工行业将占据主导地位。诸如新能源汽车、5G通讯、数字工厂、增材制造等关键主题将是推动新工艺及新技术前进的重要动力。在MWCS您将见证关于知识、信息和技术的互联互通,包含规划、控制和物流在内的制造过程数字化将在现场得到充分演绎。



    1. 金属切削机床

    2. 金属成形机床

    3. 增材制造及特种加工机床

    4. 检验及测量设备

    5. 数控系统、专用软件、机床电器等功能部件

    6. 切削刀具、工装夹具、模具、附件等

    7. 五金工具




    1. 节能技术

    2. 防尘防爆技术

    3. 表面处理技术




    1. 材料应用展区

    2. 材料属性展区

    3. 产业园区及其它



    Chengdu Trade Fair investment in progress, the exhibition visit online registration, to view the exhibition overview, exhibition schedule, exhibition time, exhibition location, exhibition scope, organizers, exhibitors and other details. 2022 China West Industrial Expo - 2022 Chengdu Industrial Expo will be held in 2022/4/27 in Western China International Expo City, look forward to your visit!


    Thanks to the practical application of a range of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G and edge computing, the industry of the future is steadily moving towards large-scale flexible production, full-process transparent production, distributed production, intelligent automatic production. From product design and manufacturing to transportation and services, the global industrial chain will be reshaped. Thanks to Chengdu is the strategic core area of China's important industrial manufacturing industry, Chengdu International Industrial Expo was born. As a series of exhibitions of two large-scale and influential industrial events around the world, Chengdu International Industrial Expo is based on the high position of the future industry, focusing on China's intelligent manufacturing, will be through the display of automation and industrial robot technology, next-generation information technology, metal processing, energy conservation and industrial support, new materials and other industry-wide solutions, perfectly present the intelligent industrial chain of innovative technology and products effective integration.


    Convergence can be connected, collision has opportunities. Chengdu International Industrial Expo has set sail with the efforts of Chengdu Municipal Government, Sichuan Economic and Information Technology Commission, Hannover Exhibition Company, Donghao Lansheng (Group) Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Tianfu International Convention and Exhibition Co., Ltd. A set of product display, series of forums, collection and matching, exchange and cooperation-based large-scale modern industrial technology expo, look forward to your arrival!


    Three, six themes, cross-interactive IAS industrial automation integrated automation technology leading business exhibition gathered many automation industry leaders, focusing on the display of intelligent manufacturing core technology and cutting-edge products, focusing on the landing of the concept of industry 4.0. Focus on the introduction of embedded technology exhibition area, motion control system exhibition area, intelligent sensing and connecting exhibition area, transmission and pneumatic exhibition area.

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    当前来源: 更新时间:2025/3/18 16:23:28  今日查看:1 次
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