2020苏州工博会将于2019年3月20-23日在苏州国际博览中心举行。,参展参观在线登记,近年来,随着苏州特大城市的崛起,苏州地区工业经济发展强劲,已经成为是长三角地区*令人瞩目的城市之一,在全国乃至全球都具有举足轻重的影响力。特别是高端装备制造业是苏州近期和未来重点发展的支柱行业之一,地方及周边储备了丰富的参展客户、专业买家资源,为每年苏州智能展的成功举办创造了优越的条件 。现已成为国内智能工厂行业不可或缺的品牌展会。展会涵盖工业自动化、工业机器人、AGV小车、3c自动化、机器视觉等领域,同期举办”苏州工博会“直接并全面服务于智能工厂行业从源头到终端的整条产业链。 In recent years, with the rise of Suzhou mega-city, Suzhou has become one of the most remarkable cities in the Yangtze River Delta region with strong industrial economic development. It has a significant influence in the whole country and even in the whole world. Especially, the high-end equipment manufacturing industry is one of the pillar industries of Suzhou's recent and future development. The local and peripheral reserves rich resources of exhibitors and professional buyers, creating favorable conditions for the successful holding of Suzhou Intelligent Exhibition every year. 2019 Suzhou Expo will be held at 20-23 Suzhou International Expo Center, March 2019. It has become an indispensable brand exhibition of intelligent factories in China. The exhibition covers industrial automation, industrial robots, AGV cars, 3C automation, machine vision and other fields. At the same time, the Suzhou Trade Fair directly and comprehensively serves the entire industrial chain of the intelligent factory industry from the source to the terminal.
In recent years, with the rise of Suzhou mega-city, Suzhou has become one of the most remarkable cities in the Yangtze River Delta region with strong industrial economic development. It has a significant influence in the whole country and even in the whole world. Especially, the high-end equipment manufacturing industry is one of the pillar industries of Suzhou's recent and future development. The local and peripheral reserves rich resources of exhibitors and professional buyers, creating favorable conditions for the successful holding of Suzhou Intelligent Exhibition every year. 2019 Suzhou Expo will be held at 20-23 Suzhou International Expo Center, March 2019. It has become an indispensable brand exhibition of intelligent factories in China. The exhibition covers industrial automation, industrial robots, AGV cars, 3C automation, machine vision and other fields. At the same time, the Suzhou Trade Fair directly and comprehensively serves the entire industrial chain of the intelligent factory industry from the source to the terminal.