CHINA AID 2021将围绕养老、康复医疗、辅助器具三大主题开设六大展示区,即养老服务、康复医疗、辅助器具、生活护理、宜居建筑、健康管理。博览会同期将继续举办2020中国国际老龄产业高峰论坛、老年健康社会工作论坛、养老产品采购对接会、中国老年福祉设计大赛颁奖仪式等多个行业论坛及活动,经验分享,信息发布,纵横捭阖,共同推动行业发展。
上海国际养老、辅具及康复医疗博览会 China AID将于在上海新国际博览中心举办,期待您的光临!CHINAAID 2020届时将继续围绕养老、康复医疗、辅助器具三大主题开设六大展示区,即养老服务、康复医疗、辅助器具、生活护理、宜居建筑、健康管理。并举办丰富多彩的同期活动,展会规模将扩展至三个展厅,展商服务也将再度升级。CHINA AID作为行业规模*大、影响力*强、水平*高的博览会之一,一如既往关注行业的创新元素与以人为本的实践。CHINA AID致力于引领养老和康复行业发展趋势,以更国际化的专业姿态继续成为行业发展的“风向标”,信息交流的“中转站”,为业内人士提供一站式采购和信息融合的平台。
China AID will be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center from June to November, 2020. Looking forward to your visit, CHINAAID will continue to open six exhibition areas around the three themes of old-age care, rehabilitation medicine and assistive devices, namely, old-age service, rehabilitation medicine, assistive devices and life care. Reasonable, livable building, health management. At the same time, a variety of activities will be held. The scale of the exhibition will be expanded to three exhibition halls, and exhibitor services will be upgraded again. CHINA AID, as one of the largest, most influential and highest level expositions in the industry, always pays attention to innovative elements and people-oriented practices in the industry. CHINA AID is committed to leading the development trend of the pension and rehabilitation industry. It will continue to become the "vane" of the industry development with a more international professional attitude, and the "transit station" of information exchange, providing a one-stop procurement and information fusion platform for the industry.
第十六届中国国际养老、辅具及康复医疗博览会-CHINA AID2020
主办单位:上海市民政局 上海市国际贸易促进委员会
承办单位:上海市养老服务发展中心 上海国展展览中心有限公司
协办单位:上海市社会福利中心、 上海市康复器具协会
支持单位:国家康复辅具研究中心、湖北省老龄产业协会 、江苏省老龄产业协会、广东省老龄产业协会
参展联系:陈雯 187 2125 6027(同号) 沈聪 131 6253 1146(同号)
中国国际养老、辅具及康复医疗博览会(简称CHINA AID),自2000年在上海成功举办首届以来,经过多年的耕耘,已然成为国内首屈一指的福祉产业品牌博览会,位居世界同类展会前列。
CHINA AID 2021将围绕养老、康复医疗、辅助器具三大主题开设六大展示区,即养老服务、康复医疗、辅助器具、生活护理、宜居建筑、健康管理。博览会同期将继续举办2020中国国际老龄产业高峰论坛、老年健康社会工作论坛、养老产品采购对接会、中国老年福祉设计大赛颁奖仪式等多个行业论坛及活动,经验分享,信息发布,纵横捭阖,共同推动行业发展。
A区 光地:1,580元/㎡,标展:15,800元/9 ㎡
B区 光地:1,280元/㎡,标展:12,800元/9 ㎡
联系人:陈雯 小姐 187 2125 6027(同号)
沈聪 先生 131 6253 1146(同号)
China AID will be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center from June to November, 2020. Looking forward to your visit, CHINAAID will continue to open six exhibition areas around the three themes of old-age care, rehabilitation medicine and assistive devices, namely, old-age service, rehabilitation medicine, assistive devices and life care. Reasonable, livable building, health management. At the same time, a variety of activities will be held. The scale of the exhibition will be expanded to three exhibition halls, and exhibitor services will be upgraded again. CHINA AID, as one of the largest, most influential and highest level expositions in the industry, always pays attention to innovative elements and people-oriented practices in the industry. CHINA AID is committed to leading the development trend of the pension and rehabilitation industry. It will continue to become the "vane" of the industry development with a more international professional attitude, and the "transit station" of information exchange, providing a one-stop procurement and information fusion platform for the industry.