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    发布时间:2019/7/26 18:40:00  浏览:3490次
    2020年江苏省*具影响力工业盛会----第十七届苏州国际工业博览会将于3月18日-21日在苏州国际博览中心隆重举办。苏州工博会经过十多年的精心打造,从“苏州制造”向“苏州智造”前行。为践行《***》战略规划,SIA2020以“创新-智造-绿色”为主题,致力于搭建高效的装备制造业贸易平台,提升制造水平,推动企业转型升级,促进区域制造业不断创新发展。近年来,随着苏州特大城市的崛起,苏州地区工业经济发展强劲,已经成为是长三角地区*令人瞩目的城市之一,在全国乃至全球都具有举足轻重的影响力。特别是高端装备制造业是苏州近期和未来重点发展的支柱行业之一,地方及周边储备了丰富的参展客户、专业买家资源,为每年苏州智能展的成功举办创造了优越的条件 。

    The 17th Suzhou International Industrial Exposition, the most influential industrial event in Jiangsu Province in 2020, will be grandly held in the Suzhou International Exposition Center from March 18 to 21. After more than ten years of elaborate construction, the Suzhou Trade Fair has moved from "Made in Suzhou" to "Made in Suzhou". In order to implement the strategic plan of Made in China 2025, SIA2020, with the theme of "Innovation - Intelligence - Green", is committed to building an efficient equipment manufacturing trade platform, upgrading manufacturing level, promoting enterprise transformation and upgrading, and promoting the continuous innovation and development of regional manufacturing industry. In recent years, with the rise of Suzhou's mega-cities, the industrial economy of Suzhou has developed strongly, and it has become one of the most remarkable cities in the Yangtze River Delta region. It has a decisive influence in the whole country and even in the whole world. In particular, the high-end equipment manufacturing industry is one of the pillar industries of Suzhou's recent and future development. Local and surrounding areas have reserved abundant resources of exhibitors and professional buyers, creating superior conditions for the successful holding of the annual Suzhou Intelligent Exhibition.
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