2019 Shanghai International Auto Parts, Repair Testing And Diagnostic Equipment and Service Supplies Exhibition will be held in 2019-12-3 at the Hongqiao National Convention and Exhibition Center in Shanghai, looking forward to your visit! 2019 Shanghai Automotive Repair Inspection Exhibition to obtain orders. Brand exhibitors gathered from China, Germany, the United States and other more than 20 countries and regions in different fields exhibitors will carry new products, technology and service concepts, such as the realization of new product seiss. Brand yi transfer, channel expansion, industry exchanges and other business development objectives. Keep up with industry trends, build an automotive electronics exhibition area, according to the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Smart Car Innovation Development Strategy" (draft for comments) it is expected that by 2020, the proportion of new cars in the Chinese market smart cars will reach 50% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplies and retrofit sectionS Keep up with the trend. Will display popular assisted driving systems, networked belief entertainment systems, etc., to accurately create an on-board electronic exhibition area. Focus on industry hot spots, continue to pay attention to the supply chain and terminal services innovation model continues the attention of the "supply chain and terminal services chain zone" . . . convergence supply chain, e-commerce platform, data management, chain brands and other post-market terminal service providers . . . driven by Internet technology . . . to showcase the industry licking new results. The zone will continue to focus on industry innovation services to integrate and connect all kinds of resource channels in the industry.
自2004年创办,历经十多年高速发展,Automechanika Shanghai被业界誉为开拓及发展海内外市场**为直接有效的优质平台。2018法兰克福汽配展于2018年11月28-12月1日在上海虹桥-国家会展中心举行,展会展出面积达350,000平米,预计吸引来自全球各地逾6,269家展商及140,000名来自全球各地的优质买家和专业观众,共襄盛举。
Automechanika Shanghai是亚洲规模**大的汽车售后服务业 展览会,亦是规模仅次于德国法兰克福母展的全球第二大 Automechanika品牌展会;携手遍布世界各地的其他15个 Automechanika展会,共享全球买家资源,提供品质保证。
2019第16届Automechanika Shanghai将于2019年12月3日-6日在上海虹桥-国家会展中心举行。预计2019年展览面积将达36,000+平方米,展商6500+家,150,000+名观众来自全球各个国家及地区。
品牌展商齐聚来自中国、德国、美国等**过20个国家和地区的不同领域展商将携崧新产品、技术及服务理念等晃相.实现 新品发布.品牌宜传.渠通扩展、行业交流等业务拓展目标。紧跟行业趋势,打造车载电子展区,根据发改委发布的《智能汽车创新发展战略》(征求意见稿).预计到2020年,中国市场上智能汽车新车占有 比例将达到50%\智能化.电动化,网联化.个性化已经成为汽车产业发展的必然趋势。用品及改装板块 紧跟趋势.将展示热门的辅助驾驶系统、联网信思娱乐系统等,精准打造车载电子展区。聚焦行业热点,持续关注供应链及终端服务创新模式延续备受关注的“供应链及终端服务连锁专区”.汇聚供应链、电商平台.数据管理、连锁品牌等后市场终端 服务商.以互联网技术为驱动.展示业界舔新成果。专区将持续关注行业创新服务揆式整合连接行业各类
2018年“费车及高性能改装活动区"有近20场主题演讲.吸引**过6,000名来自改装店.品牌授权改装厂、赛车俱乐部等相关行业的专业观众。2019年将延续这一主题.聚魚国际赛畢.结合赛车及高性能改装部件 展示.技术解析等全面展示赛车文化及萵性能改装市场发展前摂。
参展范围:高性能改装 外饰用品及改装 内饰销品 车载电子 车辆照明 随处用品 美容养护及润滑油 汽车电器 供应链及终端服务连锁
阮小姐 13533065817
2019 Shanghai International Auto Parts, Repair Testing And Diagnostic Equipment and Service Supplies Exhibition will be held in 2019-12-3 at the Hongqiao National Convention and Exhibition Center in Shanghai, looking forward to your visit! 2019 Shanghai Automotive Repair Inspection Exhibition to obtain orders. Brand exhibitors gathered from China, Germany, the United States and other more than 20 countries and regions in different fields exhibitors will carry new products, technology and service concepts, such as the realization of new product seiss. Brand yi transfer, channel expansion, industry exchanges and other business development objectives. Keep up with industry trends, build an automotive electronics exhibition area, according to the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Smart Car Innovation Development Strategy" (draft for comments) it is expected that by 2020, the proportion of new cars in the Chinese market smart cars will reach 50% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplies and retrofit sectionS Keep up with the trend. Will display popular assisted driving systems, networked belief entertainment systems, etc., to accurately create an on-board electronic exhibition area. Focus on industry hot spots, continue to pay attention to the supply chain and terminal services innovation model continues the attention of the "supply chain and terminal services chain zone" . . . convergence supply chain, e-commerce platform, data management, chain brands and other post-market terminal service providers . . . driven by Internet technology . . . to showcase the industry licking new results. The zone will continue to focus on industry innovation services to integrate and connect all kinds of resource channels in the industry.